The Warrior Cats

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Rules For Our Clans
Come here to learn more on what you can do to serve your clan! If you need help, or your new, this is a place you'll need to visit.
5 48
New Members And Ceremonies
New members come here to tell us about them. You'll need to: Discribe what you look like, and what clan you'd like to be in. Good luck!
29 167
Here's where all the new apprentice's ceremonies will be!! ;D
24 150
This is where apprentices become warriors! But remember: you have to have 50 post to become one. Also for Medicine Cats, Deputys, and Leaders.
8 83
The Gathering
High Stones is the meeting place for cats from all clans. Here, you will be able to mingle with the other clan members, or one from your own clan.
5 282
This is where the mods of the forum talk. We will discuss what we can do for the forum, or just random talk. ;D WARNING: Nobody who isn't a mod can come on this board and post. If you want to know how to become a moderater, plz ook at the "Rules For Our Clans" board.
3 128
The noble and loyal RainClan cats can chat over here.
4 138
MossClan cats of all sorts meet here!
3 56
The sneaky and ambitous cats of FireClan can talk in this forum!
1 8
The mysterious cats of FogClan join under this spot.
6 74
Other Stuff
Everybody should love to RolePlay! If you haven't tried it, now's your chance!
5 1382
Let's have fun! We all need to, anyway! ;D
6 523
This is where evrybody who likes creating storys can make some of there own right here! They MUST be about something animal related, preferbly Warriors, lol. XD
3 34
Clan News Center
This is where I'll be posting a news-thing! XD Read it every once in a while to find out what is going on inside and out of the forum!
4 78
Gifts, Avatars, Siggies, anything you wanna make for the pleasure of everyone!
7 267
This is stuff that you MUST read!! It cannot wait! XD (PS: There isn't that much anyway, but there will be differ catigories.)
5 109
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